Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Welcome to the beginning, or rather the middle of our journey...

Technically this is the beginning, but since before going onto the world competition of Ootm, there was a regional competition where the team competed against....only themselves;) Then there was a State competition at Binghampton University where they competed against 7 other teams and came in 2nd place! Here are their scores, (and the top 3, so you get an idea of where they stood) they are terrific scores for this type of competition, especially for Spontaneous!
                                                                                      Long-      style-       spont / total/penalty
PINE BUSH H S   Calc: 200.00  43.01  91.96 334.97
Raw: 173.66 40.00 71.50 0

SKANEATELES H S Calc: 182.15  48.39 100.00 330.54
Raw: 158.16 45.00 77.75 0

CAMDEN H S Calc: 157.98 40.32 74.60 272.90
Raw: 137.17 37.50 58.00 0

I cannot believe we are here again, well us specifically. (Coach Dickenson's team) Some new friends and some old friends. Most of these kids have competed at least once or twice together. Two boys on the team have been in it since the beginning, and for Dylan and Hunter, it is their second time traveling to the world finals of Ootm and 9 years in the program with the same coach. Some of the other kids have been on different teams and also have attended World's. Let the fun begin!

We kept a journal of it last time, if you click here, you can read through it, it's pretty easy to navigate a blog..this is a blog in case you didn't know, I didn't know the first time I read one..until I came upon the word "blog"..and I thought..wait a minute..I'm reading a blog?

Okay, so here are a couple of pointers.


Entries are displayed newest to oldest... be sure to scroll thru. please leave a note or a quick "thinking of YOU" (just click the "comment" button below each entry ... it is easy!). If you click on an entry TITLE you can view all comments.

When something is on it, it takes you places, you'll never know where you'll end up, then to return, hit the back button or if your computer is such that it opens a new tab, just X out of that tab.

It really is fun and simple!

So here it is, the journey to Maryland State University and your chance to learn all about the wonderful people in this village that will help these great kids on their trek. I will try my hardest to teach you what exactly Ootm is, for those of you who don't know truly how great of a program it is.

Thank you in advance for helping in any way you can! The kids will be mailing out letters asking for donations, (any little bit helps, but if you cannot, no worries, there will be other ways to help) their will be some local restaurants having Ootm nights, (where a portion of the nights sales, if you bring in a flyer, will help the kids) then there will be the "Fun"draiser on Sunday May 15th which is always so much fun...and I do mean SO much fun! (Cake wheel, silent auction, raffle's, entertainment for all ages, face painting and a kickball tourney!)

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